
News on the 2012 QR Code® Promotion

The 2012 Mobile Commerce and Personalization Promotion provides mailers with an upfront postage discount on qualifying Standard Mail and First-Class Mail letters, flats, and cards that contain a mobile bar code or similar print technology that can be read or scanned by a mobile device.  The technology must lead the recipient to either:

1. A webpage that allows the recipient to purchase a product or service on a mobile device; or

2. A personalized URL, which leads to a web page that is unique to an individual recipient.

Registration begins on May 1, 2012, and the program period is July 1 through August 31, 2012.

2% of eligible postage is calculated and applied to the mailing statement at the time of mailing. Eligible mail classes include Standard Mail letters and flats,

Nonprofit Standard Mail letters and flats, First-Class Mail presort and automation letters, cards and flats.

Participants and/or mail service providers must register on the Business Customer Gateway.  Mailers agree to participate in a survey about the promotion. Registration opens May 1, 2012 and will continue throughout the promotion period.

Participating mailers will be required to affirmatively claim this promotion on electronic postage statement submissions.  All mail pieces in a mailing

statement must be eligible for the promotion. Note, the discount must be

claimed at the time of mailing and cannot be rebated at a later date.

Mail must be tendered for acceptance during the promotion period, July 1, 2012, through August 31, 2012.  Automation mail pieces must contain an Intelligent Mail bar code.

Postage must be paid using a permit imprint, or precancelled stamp permit.  Some meter permit mailings may qualify.

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